Family, Food, post partum, Stay at Home Mom, Uncategorized, Women, workout

If I can do it, anyone can do it. Need to lose weight? Need motivation? 

I hear this a lot but it’s SO true! 

Most people I follow on social media do their shopping over the weekend and food prep on Sunday. I absolutely love food prepping! But, it doesn’t always have to be on Sunday’s. I think having an expectation that cant be met throws people off a bit. That is when people say “Ill start next week” “Ill start on Monday” How bout you just start today! Sometime’s it is a mental thought process you just need to get through. Throughout the years I have had to re-wire my brain to have better habits. To not just give up, not throw in the towel and to not beat myself up as much. I still give myself a hard time now and then but I try to let that be less often. Instead of blaming my gene’s, blaming the “situation” I am in, blaming it on my marriage or blaming it on having children I just Get up and go! Our children and husband need us mentally and physically healthy. I know that some people have mental and physical boundaries and I completely understand. If you put your mind to it, you can succeed! I know people are saying that it’s easier said than done. False. It’s baby steps, start somewhere.

The reason I love to food prep and workout is pretty simple. I want my husband to see the best in me. I want my kids to have a healthy role model. And shoot, I love to be active and fit.

Yes, I do not have a 9-5 job but being a stay at home mom and wife does not allow me to do “whatever I want, when I want”. Seriously! People imagine that we have SO much time to waste, you can workout whenever you want, you have the time because you don’t… It’s such a frustrating and silly thing for people to say. Because, my boys are tough cookies. They are not easy and I am typically exhausted at the end of the day, sometimes when I wake up too. LOL My husband helps me SO incredibly much that it makes me tear up when I think about it sometimes. I am truly blessed and so darn thankful. My husband is truly a family man and I love it!

I want to encourage women out there. You can do it, you can overcome the battle. You can lose the weight. You can get up and exercise. You just need to start somewhere. I currently do not count my calories, I do not eat clean all the time, I love sweets, I love beer. You don’t have to give up everything.I firmly believe that.

A Little About My weight throughout the years:

When I was single and “happy” in my 20’s I really went through a lot. I started out in my 20’s weighing 118. Well, I went through a breakup and my weight escalated to 170. Seriously. It was probably the worst feeling I’ve ever had in life. I just partied and ate. Yuck! I finally snapped out of it and started to take care of myself. I was able to lose enough weight to feel happier again.

When I first met my husband I was still overweight. I was balancing between 140-145 lbs. I thought my weight would be a deterrent to him but apparently it wasn’t. And, instead of gaining weight while we dated and got married I lost weight. I told him I was his shrinking bride. Haha We met in January and married in November. I was about 130-135 lbs when we got married. And when I got pregnant in January (yes, two months later) I was 133 lbs. I got pregnant, gained about 40 lbs, lost the weight and stayed around 130 lbs. I got pregnant almost two years later, gained 40 lbs and lost that weight in less time. My youngest (and last) boy is 13 months now and I am currently at 123 lbs. That is 20 lbs less that when my husband and I met! Wahoo! Now that’s something to celebrate. My current goal is to be 110-115. And, I am happily on my way to getting to my goal!

I want to encourage you to not let marriage and babies be the excuse you have to not lose weight. You can do it. Eat in moderation, stop getting sugary Starbucks drinks, and eat! Starving yourself only makes you gain weight and it is not healthy. Find a workout you love also. Jog, run, walk, tae-bo, kickboxing, yoga, cross fit, weight lifting…..something you love and don’t put so much pressure on yourself. Don’t let the world around you control your destiny. Your weight loss, your mood, your mental state or your marriage. Being healthy and choosing love in our marriage will make you a much happier person. Believe me, it has worked for us and we are not the only ones. So get up and go. Prep your meals on whatever day works for you. Workout when you can, morning, lunch time at work, after work, when the kids go to sleep. Or heck! Do what we love to do, exercise with the kids. Teach them good habits.

The time is now.

Have an amazing rest of the week! Cheers!


Live Healthy

Live Happy

Choose Love

Live Simple

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